5. liga Zilina 2024/2025

Organizer(s)Krajsky sachovy zväz Zilina
FederationSlovakia ( SVK )
Tournament directorMichal Kopera 14906970
Chief ArbiterRenata Tothova 14919893
Time control (Standard)60minut+30sekund za kazdy vykonany tah
Number of rounds11
Tournament typeRound robin for teams
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/10/11 to 2025/03/28
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 11.10.2024 21:59:00, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 12

Tournament selection3LC1, 4c11, 4c12, 5LZA, 5c12, 5LKysuce
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsRanking crosstable (MP), Ranking crosstable (Pts.), Rank table, Starting rank list of players, Alphabetical list, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule, Statistics
Team-Composition with round-results, Team-Composition without round-results, Team-Pairings of all rounds
Board PairingsRd.1
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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. ŠK Rajec B (RtgAvg:1870, TB1: 3 / TB2: 5)
3Haasova, Timea18740SVK14960109+110
9Haas, Timur01037SVK14975106+110
11Pekara, Daniel01264SVK14984610+110
13Pekny, Tomas01000SVK14982919+110
14Repkovska, Anetta01188SVK14982927+110
  2. ŠK Mladosť Žilina E (RtgAvg:1737, TB1: 3 / TB2: 4)
2Carnecka, Stella17640SVK149477571111765
3Zilkova, Marcela17730SVK149862051111689
4Zbin, Slavomir16400SVK14950081½0,511617
5Carnecky, Michal15630SVK14955989½0,511541
8Rakoci, Jan01685SVK149944451111073
  3. DMS Žilina C (RtgAvg:1829, TB1: 3 / TB2: 3,5)
1Sustek, Vladimir18940SVK149068481111623
4Turjak, Anton18100SVK14910500½0,511481
5Piovar, Jaroslav17540SVK149270041111083
7Handzo, Martin17330SVK149347601111068
11Svitak, Pavel01000SVK149891310011000
  4. TJ Slovan Rajecké Teplice C (RtgAvg:1876, TB1: 3 / TB2: 3)
2Bakalar, Jan19100SVK149019781111789
4Salata, Tibor18300SVK14910306½0,511769
5Durian, Jozef18200SVK14926474½0,511801
7Hric, Vladimir17790SVK149619890011719
8Hurtik, Juraj01227SVK149771171111643
  5. ŠK Mladosť Žilina F (RtgAvg:1859, TB1: 3 / TB2: 3)
3Pavel, Jozef18870SVK14916495½0,511836
4Chovan, Anton17980SVK14950030½0,511812
5Korencik, Jaroslav17180SVK149049001111766
10Krivosudsky, Dalibor16210SVK149500650011719
11Janicek, Marek16090SVK149571911111000
  6. TZOB Bytča B (RtgAvg:1868, TB1: 3 / TB2: 3)
3Staricek, Jan18240SVK149271440011950
4Sujan, Daniel17330SVK149785551111579
5Bielik, Matej18030SVK149800960011526
6Vojtas, Marek16900SVK736187301111545
9Sladek, Jan17780SVK149271101111524
  7. ŠK Mladosť Žilina Juniori G (RtgAvg:1697, TB1: 0 / TB2: 2)
1Turcan, Martin19500SVK149237851111824
4Chladek, Adam15790SVK149672860011733
5Devera, Matus15260SVK149592241111803
7Jancigova, Kristina Lara15450SVK149860190011690
8Turcan, Lukas15240SVK149676770011778
  8. OŠK ŠO Nededza B (RtgAvg:1815, TB1: 0 / TB2: 2)
2Lonc, Augustin18360SVK14916266½0,511887
3Ondrus, Milan18120SVK14926946½0,511798
4Petko, Radim17660SVK149303230011718
5Cesnek, Dusan17190SVK149264151111621
8Chodelka, Martin01000SVK149889170011609
  9. ŠK Višňové B (RtgAvg:1762, TB1: 0 / TB2: 2)
1Valicek, Jakub17890SVK149464750011910
2Madliak, Miroslav17690SVK14962640½0,511830
6Semla, Milan18010SVK14927071½0,511820
7Polacek, Marek17190SVK149464591111779
8Polacek, Pavol16430SVK149437510011227
  10. ŠK Mladosť Žilina Juniori H (RtgAvg:1538, TB1: 0 / TB2: 1,5)
1Otahal, Kristian16230SVK149767730011894
3Szotkovska, Natalia14810SVK14973316½0,511810
6Sventek, Jakub01083SVK149797130011754
7Macus, Alexander01068SVK149747110011733
8Vrabel, Viliam01000SVK149926201111000
  11. ŠK BAUMIT Lietavská Lúčka (RtgAvg:1720, TB1: 0 / TB2: 1)
2Pavlus, Igor17650SVK149562920011764
3Kozel, Milan16890SVK149561870011773
5Vavrik, Karol16170SVK14957140½0,511640
8Hanuska, Ivan15410SVK14975386½0,511563
9Tomascik, Jan01073SVK149858700011685