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Absolut Individual de Lleida 2024 - Grup I (FIDE ID: 388493-388495-388496)

Last update 01.12.2024 13:11:26, Creator/Last Upload: Xavier Valios Blanco

not paired

17Alba Tarradelles, Jose*
24Bedoya Ribo, Jordibye
8AIMBenseny Martinez, Guerau**
30Bosch Carrera, Laia*
4Brunet Martinez, Josep*
10Dea Ruiz, Jofre*
16Gensana Berzunces, Joan*****
32Luengo Guillermo, Daniel*
11Marti Trilla, Aleix**
5MKMonell Camarasa, David*
33Pardina Mundo, Carlesbye
35Pera Lucas, Eugenibye
2Porta Isant, Lluis**
21Roure Sola, Oriol*
20Torrelles Hornos, Robertbye
28Turuguet Lopez, Josep Lluis**