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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Absolut Individual de Lleida 2024 - Grup I (FIDE ID: 388493-388495-388496)

اخر تحديث01.12.2024 13:11:26, منشئ/آخر رفع: Xavier Valios Blanco

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جدول الترتيب النهائي بعد 8 جولات

ترتيباسم اللاعب1 .ج2 .ج3 .ج4 .ج5 .ج6 .ج7 .ج8 .جنقاط حسم تعادل1  حسم تعادل2  حسم تعادل3  حسم تعادل4  حسم تعادل5 
1MKCampos Olaya Israel 7w1 13b½ 4w1 2b1 3w1 6b½ 10b1 9w1740360635,50
2Quintas Galeano Lluis 5w1 35b+ 3b½ 1w0 9b1 7w½ 6b1 8w1642,5380430,25
3Solani Nunez Joshua 14w1 25b1 2w½ 16b1 1b0 19w1 15w1 5b½637,534,50525,00
4Brunet Martinez Josep 22b1 20w1 1b0 -0 17w1 15b0 29w1 7w1535300518,50
5Roure Sola Oriol 2b0 -0 33w1 14b1 25w1 11w1 7b½ 3w½535300418,75
6MKPham Guerrero Sergi 31b1 30w½ 21b½ 22w1 7b½ 1w½ 2w0 18b1533310318,25
7Parramon Guillaumet Jaime 1b0 34w1 20b1 21w1 6w½ 2b½ 5w½ 4b04,536,5350316,50
8Berge Gallego Pau 23b½ 19w0 11b1 10w0 28w1 16b1 13w+ 2b04,534,531,50317,75
9Solani Nunez Joel 19b½ 23w½ 28w1 13b½ 2w0 26b1 14w1 1b04,534,531,50315,75
10Porta Isant Lluis 27b½ -0 14w1 8b1 26w1 13b1 1w0 -04,534,5300417,00
11Estruch Andreu Guim 24w½ 26b0 8w0 27b1 23w1 5b0 28w1 20b14,529260414,75
12Marti Trilla Aleix -0 14b0 27w1 -0 33b1 30w1 20b½ 21w14,527,5230412,75
13Mares Mario Gabriel 32b1 1w½ 19b½ 9w½ 30b1 10w0 8b- 17b½434300215,25
14Subarroca Blanch Francesc 3b0 12w1 10b0 5w0 31b1 32w1 9b0 29w1433310412,50
15AIMBenseny Martinez Guerau -0 17w1 22b0 31w1 32b1 4w1 3b0 -0431,527,50414,00
16Sanuy Moncasi Albert 17b½ 27w1 30b1 3w0 19b0 8w0 21b½ 22w143128,50312,75
17Biosca Lacasa Jordi 16w½ 15b0 24w1 25b½ 4b0 22w½ 30b1 13w½43027,50213,25
18Mir Carnice Jordi 30b0 32w0 31b0 34w1 27b1 25w1 19b1 6w042422,50411,50
19MKMonell Camarasa David 9w½ 8b1 13w½ 26b½ 16w1 3b0 18w0 -03,533,5300214,25
20Bosch Carrera Laia 28w1 4b0 7w0 24b1 21b½ 12w½ 11w03,53228,50212,25
21MKCodina Garcia Jose 26w½ 24b1 6w½ 7b0 20w½ 29b½ 16w½ 12b03,531280112,75
22Rodon Balcells Jaume 4w0 33b1 15w1 6b0 29w0 17b½ 26w1 16b03,530,528,50311,50
23Dea Ruiz Jofre 8w½ 9b½ 26w½ -0 11b0 28b½ 24w½ 31b13,528,5250111,25
24Massot Fernandez Ian 11b½ 21w0 17b0 20w0 34b½ 33w1 23b½ 30w13,52523,5029,25
25Pera Lucas Eugeni -1 3w0 35b½ 17w½ 5b0 18b0 27w½ 26b½332290010,00
26Niubo Parramon Edgar 21b½ 11w1 23b½ 19w½ 10b0 9w0 22b0 25w½331,528,50111,50
27Torrelles Hornos Robert 10w½ 16b0 12b0 11w0 18w0 -1 25b½ 33w133028019,00
28Degracia Burgues Jose A. 20b0 31w1 9b0 32w½ 8b0 23w½ 11b0 34w132725,5026,75
29Alba Tarradelles Jose 33w1 -0 32b½ 30w0 22b1 21w½ 4b0 14b0326,523,5028,75
30Cots Valls Jordi 18w1 6b½ 16w0 29b1 13w0 12b0 17w0 24b02,53229029,50
31Bedoya Ribo Jordi 6w0 28b0 18w1 15b0 14w0 34b0 -1 23w0227,526016,00
32Turuguet Lopez Josep Lluis 13w0 18b1 29w½ 28b½ 15w0 14b0 -0 -0226,524,5017,00
33Pardina Mundo Carles 29b0 22w0 5b0 -1 12w0 24b0 34w1 27b022624,5013,50
34Luengo Guillermo Daniel 35w0 7b0 -0 18b0 24w½ 31w1 33b0 28b01,524,523013,75
35Gensana Berzunces Joan 34b1 2w- 25w½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,513,512013,00

حسم تعادل1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
حسم تعادل2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
حسم تعادل3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
حسم تعادل4: Number of games won excluding forfeits and byes (WON)
حسم تعادل5: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)