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PRIMAVERA TREBEJOS 2024 Վերջին արդիացում17.10.2024 22:55:49, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | ԱԱՎ |
1 | NM | Guerrero, Alvaro | 3000478 | URU | 2057 | 2235 |
2 | NM | Saralegui, Mario | 3000419 | URU | 2036 | 2111 |
3 | CM | Bustelo, Tabare | 3000362 | URU | 2013 | 2133 |
4 | CM | Manteiga, Franco | 3009785 | URU | 2006 | 2150 |
5 | | Ramos Correa, Gabriel | 3009939 | URU | 1996 | 2087 |
6 | | Soto, Nicolas | 3001245 | URU | 1995 | 2113 |
7 | | Esteve, Federico | 3005690 | URU | 1950 | 2028 |
8 | | Barboza, Mauro | 3000567 | URU | 1933 | 1937 |
9 | | Avedisian, Alexander | 3005011 | URU | 1922 | 1987 |
10 | | Toledo, Javier | 3007502 | URU | 1856 | 1890 |
11 | | Pascualvaca, Federico | 3016285 | URU | 1789 | 1797 |
12 | | Pelaez, Diego | 3006476 | URU | 1774 | 1729 |
13 | | Ferrari, Carlos | 3003060 | URU | 1747 | 1689 |
14 | | Lejtreger, Ernesto | 3014126 | URU | 1730 | 1632 |
15 | | Gomez Melcon, Dario | 3018059 | URU | 1715 | 1626 |
16 | | Nunez, Hiber | 3003078 | URU | 1711 | 1614 |
17 | | Gonzalez Martinez, Fabian | 3016064 | URU | 1650 | 1513 |
18 | | Traverso, Luis | 3010830 | URU | 1646 | 1551 |
19 | | Souto, Andres | 3007634 | URU | 1509 | 1231 |
20 | | Arrarte, Agustin | 3029590 | URU | 0 | 0 |
21 | | Lazzari, Matias Ezequiel | 20048009 | ARG | 0 | 0 |
22 | | Lopez Tejedor, Fernando | 3023036 | URU | 0 | 0 |