2024 Toronto Senior Championship

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Tabellone dopo 5 turni, Tabellone per numero sorteggio, Statistica per Paese-, Incontro- e Titolo, calendario partite
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Tabellone per numero sorteggio

Nr.NomeElopaese12345678910Pts.Pos Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
1AFMOANCEA, Nicolae1978CAN*101132034,00
2FRADKIN, Benjamin1898CAN0*010126022,00
3NAZARENO, Merlin1896CAN11*0½2,540,526,25
4BUZHAKER, Fred2101CAN00*1017010,00
5BENGGAWAN, Undriadi1313CAN*010018010,00
6BERENGOLTS, Isai2004CAN1*10133032,00
7BARMASCH, Oswald1370CAN000*0010000,00
8ZUNIGA, Dante2252CAN1111*41047,50
9IMBARRON, Michael2201CAN1½1*2,550,524,25
10CHERNIK, Dmitry2008CAN0001*19010,00

Cls1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Cls2: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Cls3: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)