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2024 Toronto Senior Championship

Posledná aktualizácia 01.12.2024 03:18:08, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 48)

Zoznam hráčov podľa abecedy

1BARMASCH, Oswald2663651CAN1370On (Thornhill)
2IMBARRON, Michael2605120CAN2201On (North York)
3BENGGAWAN, Undriadi2627973CAN1313On (Mississauga)
4BERENGOLTS, Isai2603837CAN2004On (Richmond Hill)
5BUZHAKER, FredCAN2101On (Thornhill)
6CHERNIK, Dmitry2613530CAN2008On (Toronto)
7FRADKIN, Benjamin2625334CAN1898On (Thornhill)
8NAZARENO, Merlin2632470CAN1896On (North York)
9AFMOANCEA, Nicolae1211870CAN1978On (Toronto)
10ZUNIGA, Dante2615231CAN2252On (Toronto)