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R160 000 in prize money

Note: By 31 December 2024, players must have met minimum activity requirements in order to participate in the Bojanala Closed.

Bojanala Closed Chess Championships 2025

Last update 15.10.2024 11:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

Player Overview of a federation

3Felix Raphael "Little Anand"14339544RSA2054
9Mungal Ethan14341646RSA1728
15Boheim Eugene14329085RSA1655
19Dikane Oageng14364883RSA1549
24Byliefeldt Leroux14339528RSA1504Rustenburg Chess Club
25ACMMyburgh Zandre14365227RSA1483Bergsig Academy
33Monteiro Correia Maya14372096RSA1423
38Dikobe Goabaone KhumoRSA1595Mountain Cambridge