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R160 000 in prize money

Note: By 31 December 2024, players must have met minimum activity requirements in order to participate in the Bojanala Closed.

Bojanala Closed Chess Championships 2025

Last update 15.10.2024 11:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

Player Overview of a federation

10Tak Rannveer14346613RSA1704
27Pretorius Sarel14393921RSA1473Deutche Schule Kroonda
35Mann Iowan14381478RSA1657
36Changara Alvis Tafadzwa14377241RSA1629Africa Knights Chess Academy
40Changara Alvern14375826RSA1552Africa Knights Chess Academy
41Makhombe Siyanda Quintin14394162RSA1539
42Naidoo Danika14371936RSA1499
44Motau Neelo14371669RSA1483Mzanzi Chess Academy
52Mann LeaneRSA1411
56Monare Oreratile14371928RSA1361Kloofies