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R160 000 in prize money

Note: By 31 December 2024, players must have met minimum activity requirements in order to participate in the Bojanala Closed.

Bojanala Closed Chess Championships 2025

Last update 15.10.2024 11:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

Player Overview of a federation

37Goncalves Emilio "Vegeta"14382733RSA1612
39Nkabinde Nkazimulo "Kakarot"14371570RSA1574
45Raputsoa BohlaleRSA1476Harties Chess Academy
46De Jager Luado14395460RSA1460
48Bantseke Lesedilamodimo14371499RSA1445
50Rakubutu Pabatso14396831RSA1416Harties Chess Academy
54Kgame Onalenna14371839RSA1390Africa Knights Chess Academy
57Toughey DylanRSA1355Rooi Parkies
60Schoeler AlisaRSA1295
62Monamatha Oreabetse14396793RSA1269
63Sprague Chloe14396858RSA1249