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R160 000 in prize money

Note: By 31 December 2024, players must have met minimum activity requirements in order to participate in the Bojanala Closed.

Bojanala Closed Chess Championships 2025

Last update 15.10.2024 11:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

Player Overview of a federation

1FMMhango Banele "The One True FM"14327040RSA2207King's Pawn Academy
4AIMTeeke Karabo "TheSouthAfricanFox"14328682RSA1909
5Leseyane Obakeng14368285RSA1847
8Vorster Stephanus14330580RSA1778Bojanala Parents
12Motsuane Lucky "The Grater"14355019RSA1679Modderspruit Chess Club
14Difotso Tshegofatso14335085RSA1666Silent Knights Chess Academy
34Sefodi Tshepiso14354993RSA1673Modderspruit Chess Club
43Mojaki Hlaudi14377292RSA1496Maboloka Elegant Chess Club