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113年臺中市西洋棋秋季積分賽-進階組( Intermediate )-C

Darrera actualització15.09.2024 11:23:53, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Taichung Chess Association

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Rànquing inicial

1張紹恩 Owen,TPE1087
2李耕硯 Yen,TPE1086
3詹翔尹 Albert,TPE1062
4鄭平樂 Lloyd,TPE1052
5林伯松 Benson,TPE1039
6林宇飛 Ryan,TPE1022
7楊承諭 Eddie,TPE1020
8林琪豐 Chi Feng,TPE1009
9謝沅翰 Lucas,TPE999
10羅德晉 Te Chin,TPE995
11莊語宸 Michael,TPE994
12林彥帛 Martini,TPE985
13桂詩涵 Jasmine,TPE980
14林雅山 Ya Shan,TPE967
15黃唯晰 Klayton,TPE950
16林睦恩 Marvin,TPE945
17孫鵬熙 Maxwell,TPE934
18張崴硯 Wayne,TPE924
19洪碩陽 Sunny,TPE922
20陳彥霖 Brandon,TPE916
21謝佳家 Gina,TPE910
22邢夏寧 Zelda,TPE902
23胡良赫 Hunter,TPE877
24洪宇謙 Eric,TPE843
25周佑杰 Jason,TPE0
26陳資易 Tzu-Yi,TPE0
27薛程瀚 Hugo,TPE0