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Ayr Congress Blitz 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.09.2024 12:12:54, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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1Vijayakumar, Rishi2408953SCO2073
2Savidge, Daniel450332ENG2029
3AGMSkettos, Nicolas5900670CYP1995
4Mckay, Jonathan2405512SCO1964
5Kitaev, Daniel2409887SCO1958
6Wynarczyk, Raymond415081ENG1880
7Robinson, Stephen2404184SCO1831
8Lopez Henderson, Kyle2413310SCO1775
9Karthick, Alagu Naachiappan2410990SCO1766
10Lampard, Stuart2404001SCO1759
11Nield, Christopher2410044SCO1701
12Kitaev, Nicholas2411393SCO1659
13Aitken, Thomas W2415445SCO1532
14Conway, Ciaran2414066SCO0
15Du Preez, Herman2416328SCO0
16Forbes, Graeme2406039SCO0
17Lopez Henderson, Sandy2414880SCO0
18Yip, Atticus2413256SCO0
19Yip, Oscar2413264SCO0
20Zinchenko, Timur2416379SCO0