reclamacions / byes / notificacions:

Ronda 5
Emparellaments provisionals: dilluns 21/10 21:00h
Definitius: dimarts 22/10/2024 22:00h

Dia de joc: diumenge 27/10/2024 a les 09:30h

Diumenge 3/11/2024 no hi ha ronda
Ronda 6: diumenge 10/11/2024 09:30h

Campionat Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup C

Il sito e stato aggiornato il21.10.2024 21:00:09, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: Rodriguez Marcos, Jose Ramon

Selezione torneoAbsolut, Grup B, Grup C
LinkSito ufficiale del organizzatore, GoogleMaps, Bases, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Selezione die Parametri Mostra dettaglio torneo
ListeElenco giocatori per sorteggio, Elenco giocatori in ordine alfabetico, Statistica per Paese-, Incontro- e Titolo, Lista alfabetica tutti i gruppi, calendario partite
Tabellone dopo 4 turni, Tabellone per numero sorteggio
Accoppiamenti giocatoriTur.1, Tur.2, Tur.3, Tur.4, Tur.5/9 , non sorteggiato
Classifica perTur.1, Tur.2, Tur.3, Tur.4
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Tabellone per numero sorteggio

Nr.Nomepaese*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.TurPts.Pos Cls1  Cls2  Cls3  Cls4  Cls5 
1Singh Kaur ManroopCAT -0 26w1 32b1 7w0 24b21904,56,521,50
2Riba Villegas Jose MiguelCAT -0 -0 29b1 21w0 23b13303,54,510,00
3Singh Dhillon ArshdeepCAT 19w0 31b1 17w1 10b1 7w3705,5735,50
4Fernandez Alhama LolaCAT 21b1 14w1 10b1 9w1 15b4107,5949,00
5Vinuelas Gurrera IzanCAT 23w1 15b0 25w1 36b1 9b3507,59,536,00
6Tule Tudor DanielCAT 24b1 -0 33w1 12w0 25b21706823,00
7Rull Muruzabal LuisCAT 25w1 16b1 9w0 1b1 3b3407,59,536,50
8Fernandez Gonzalez FernandoCAT -0 27w1 18b½ 32w1 12b2,51204,5723,75
9Guell Sera HenocCAT 27b1 18w1 7b1 4b0 5w3308,51036,00
10Sepulveda Corchero VictorCAT 29w1 17b1 4w0 3w0 31b21308,58,521,50
11Roig Domingo Juan M.CAT 30b½ 32w0 24b1 18w+ 21w2,510078,525,75
12Hijarrubia Manero FranciscoCAT 31w1 19b½ 15w½ 6b1 8w3607,5926,50
13Arto Soriano DidacCAT 32b½ 30w0 20b0 26w1 36w1,52605510,75
14Marti Roca ImmaculadaCAT 33w1 4b0 36w0 28b½ 19w1,52107,58,511,75
15Alonso Belart EricCAT 34b1 5w1 12b½ 30w1 4w3,5208,59,538,00
16Vallribera Gil TeoCAT 35w1 7w0 21b½ 19b1 30w2,51107823,75
17Vendrell Agras JordiCAT 36b1 10w0 3b0 27w½ 32b1,523078,512,75
18Bru Faiges BegaCAT 37w1 9b0 8w½ 11b- 27b1,52506,5812,25
19Marzal Salas IsabelCAT 3b1 12w½ 30b0 16w0 14b1,52008,51114,50
20Mansilla Anguera FernandoCAT -0 33b0 13w1 31b0 35w13204,55,511,50
21Chavarria Llambrich PaulaCAT 4w0 35b1 16w½ 2b1 11b2,5907,58,523,25
22Alerany Sas AlexiaCAT -0 -0 34b0 38w+ 28w13403411,00
23Guell Sancho NilCAT 5b0 34w1 -0 -0 2w13105611,00
24Lacuna De Souza BielCAT 6w0 37b1 11w0 33b1 1w21805,56,522,00
25Granell Sancho PauCAT 7b0 38w1 5b0 34w1 6w21407721,00
26Garcia Hernandez GuillemCAT -0 1b0 31w0 13b0 37w03505,55,500,00
27Sastre Auvi AbelCAT 9w0 8b0 35w1 17b½ 18w1,52407811,75
28Marcelo Iglesias LorenzoCAT -0 -0 38b1 14w½ 22b1,527034,510,75
29Corts Marfa BielCAT 10b0 -0 2w0 35b0 -003604400,00
30Marquez Sabate RogerCAT 11w½ 13b1 19w1 15b0 16b2,5807,5924,25
31Sola Fosch JordiCAT 12b0 3w0 26b1 20w1 10w21507721,00
32Isern Sopterean MarcCAT 13w½ 11b1 1w0 8b0 17w1,522078,513,25
33Carreras Rue RutCAT 14b0 20w1 6b0 24w0 -013005,56,511,00
34Gimeno Falgueras AlbertCAT 15w0 23b0 22w1 25b0 -012807,58,511,00
35Bonfill Marco MarcalCAT 16b0 21w0 27b0 29w1 20b12906,56,510,00
36Curtuius Alex-NicolaeCAT 17w0 -1 14b1 5w0 13b21606,5823,50
37Sanz Serres MartinaCAT 18b0 24w0 -0 -0 26b03703,53,500,00
38Perolada Segui PolCAT -0 25b0 28w0 22b- -003803,53,500,00

Cls1: Direct Encounter (DE) (Forfeited games count)
Cls2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Cls3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Cls4: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Cls5: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)