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Campionat Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup C

Posledná aktualizácia 03.12.2024 21:53:20, Creator/Last Upload: Rodriguez Marcos, Jose Ramon

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Žrebovanie / výsledky

2. kolo dňa 2024/10/06 o 09:30

š.č.TWhiteEloBody VýsledokBody TBlackEloč.
14Fernandez Alhama, Lola16611 1 - 01 Marti Roca, Immaculada154414
215Alonso Belart, Eric15341 1 - 01 Vinuelas Gurrera, Izan16505
316Vallribera Gil, Teo14991 0 - 11 Rull Muruzabal, Luis16357
49Guell Sera, Henoc15921 1 - 01 Bru Faiges, Bega147418
517Vendrell Agras, Jordi14831 0 - 11 Sepulveda Corchero, Victor158310
619Marzal Salas, Isabel14641 ½ - ½1 Hijarrubia Manero, Francisco155112
711Roig Domingo, Juan M.1555½ 0 - 1½ Isern Sopterean, Marc133332
813Arto Soriano, Didac1547½ 0 - 1½ Marquez Sabate, Roger135030
91Singh Kaur, Manroop17000 1 - 00 Garcia Hernandez, Guillem136926
1031Sola Fosch, Jordi13460 0 - 10 Singh Dhillon, Arshdeep16643
118Fernandez Gonzalez, Fernando16210 1 - 00 Sastre Auvi, Abel136827
1233Carreras Rue, Rut13230 1 - 00 Mansilla Anguera, Fernando144820
1335Bonfill Marco, Marcal13140 0 - 10 Chavarria Llambrich, Paula144521
1423Guell Sancho, Nil14280 1 - 00 Gimeno Falgueras, Albert131934
1537Sanz Serres, Martina12320 0 - 10 Lacuna De Souza, Biel140224
1625Granell Sancho, Pau13990 1 - 00 Perolada Segui, Pol116338
1736Curtuius, Alex-Nicolae12340 1 voľno 
182Riba Villegas, Jose Miguel16890 0 nežrebovaný 
196Tule Tudor, Daniel16421 0 nežrebovaný 
2022Alerany Sas, Alexia14360 0 nežrebovaný 
2128Marcelo Iglesias, Lorenzo13660 0 nežrebovaný 
2229Corts Marfa, Biel13590 0 nežrebovaný