reclamacions / byes / notificacions:

Ronda 5
Emparellaments provisionals: dilluns 21/10 21:00h
Definitius: dimarts 22/10/2024 22:00h

Dia de joc: diumenge 27/10/2024 a les 09:30h

Diumenge 3/11/2024 no hi ha ronda
Ronda 6: diumenge 10/11/2024 09:30h

Campionat Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup B

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op21.10.2024 21:00:22, Creator/Last Upload: Rodriguez Marcos, Jose Ramon

ToernooiselectieAbsolut, Grup B, Grup C
LinksOfficiƫle beginpagina van de organisator, GoogleMaps, Bases, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
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LijstenStartranglijst, Alfabetische lijst van spelers, Federatie- Partij- en Titelstatistiek, Alphabetical list all groups, Chronoloog
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BordparingenRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5/9 , niet ingedeeld
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No.NaamFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Ye LingfengESP 27w1 21b1 19w1 8b1 3w4207747,00
2Aledo Vidal GinesESP 28b0 39w½ 42b0 27w1 50b1,53707711,25
3Artiz Ramos PauESP 29w1 24b1 35w1 43b1 1b4107,58,548,50
4Cabrero Font DavidESP 30b½ 22w½ 24w1 11b½ 40w2,51407814,50
5Gil Barcelo JordiESP 31w1 -0 25b0 33b1 -023304,56,522,00
6Lopez Nadal FrancescESP 32b1 -0 28w0 37b1 23w22506,58,523,50
7Ferrer Dalmau Josep A.ESP -0 37w1 30b½ 52w1 18b2,51804,5723,75
8Girona Masdeu JordiESP 33w1 28b+ 18b1 1w0 20b3409,510,536,50
9Mercade Dolcet Juan MariaESP 34b0 41w1 39b0 32w0 -014307,57,510,00
10Costa Berengue JoanESP 35w0 38b1 33w1 20w0 26b22307,58,522,00
11Villaden Isern JoaquimESP 37b1 34w1 20b½ 4w½ -03708,59,526,50
12Rams Domenech RogerESP 38w1 35b0 40w½ 29b1 39w2,51307823,75
13Pino Munoz FranciscaESP 39b½ 30w½ 34b0 31w1 36b22706,57,513,00
14Saladie Prats SalvadorESP 40w1 43b0 47w1 25w½ 32b2,510081025,75
15Bellido Gonzalez SantiagoESP 41b1 50w1 43w0 28b0 53w22208822,00
16Aubeso Albiol AlbertESP 42w½ 49b½ 53w1 35b0 47w22606,57,513,25
17Casabo Llurba Miquel AntonESP 43b0 45w½ 51b1 42w1 25b2,517066,523,25
18Ortega Campallo DavidESP 44w1 53b1 8w0 39b½ 7w2,51107,5823,75
19Marcas Vila LuisESP 46b1 52w1 1b0 50w1 43w3808834,00
20Trullols Vizcarra ArnauESP 47w1 54b1 11w½ 10b1 8w3,53078,537,00
21Muniz Torres Antonio MiguelESP 48b1 1w0 50b0 36w0 55b14108911,00
22Rull Salles DavidESP 49w½ 4b½ 54w1 -0 52b23105713,25
23Bondia Borras Josep MESP 50b0 46w1 52b0 38w1 6b23205521,00
24Sero Angles NilESP 51w+ 3w0 4b0 47b0 -014008,59,511,00
25Ferre Obrados ClimentESP 52b0 48w1 5w1 14b½ 17w2,51506,57,524,25
26Fernandez Cardenas CesarESP 53w0 40b0 44w1 49b1 10w23005,5621,50
27Navarro Fornos Pere JosepESP 1b0 -0 38w0 2b0 41w05406,56,500,00
28Castellnou Sancho JaumeESP 2w1 8w- 6b1 15w1 35b3905,58,535,50
29Alhama Soler AnnaESP 3b0 51w½ 45b1 12w0 42b1,535088,511,25
30Calero Ganso RubenESP 4w½ 13b½ 7w½ 40b0 51b1,53607,59,503,50
31Fargas Oriol JordiESP 5b0 -0 41w1 13b0 -014804510,00
32Galera Vicente RafelESP 6w0 44b½ 49w1 9b1 14w2,519044,522,25
33Solsona Marti OriolESP 8b0 55w1 10b0 5w0 48b14507811,00
34Clerc OceaneESP 9w1 11b0 13w1 -0 -022906823,00
35Muniz Lloris HugoESP 10b1 12w1 3b0 16w1 28w3608,510,536,50
36Esteban Fernandez Josep MESP -0 47b0 46w1 21b1 13w23403521,00
37Andreu Farres PauESP 11w0 7b0 55b1 6w0 54b14207,58,511,00
38Estrada Andreeva MaximESP 12b0 10w0 27b1 23b0 49w14706,56,510,00
39Tolentino Krizantine LeiESP 13w½ 2b½ 9w1 18w½ 12b2,51606714,00
40Azuara Cornejo PabloESP 14b0 26w1 12b½ 30w1 4b2,512078,524,75
41Bernabe Gallegos JoseESP 15w0 9b0 31b0 48w0 27b05504500,00
42Romero Santonja NaturaESP 16b½ -0 2w1 17b0 29w1,538067,512,50
43Fumado Garcia EugeniESP 17w1 14w1 15b1 3w0 19b35091137,00
44Fonoll Plaza RogerESP 18b0 32w½ 26b0 51w0 45b0,551078,501,25
45Cuenca Marquez DanielESP -0 17b½ 29w0 53b0 44w0,552066,501,25
46Luque Granell EloiESP 19w0 23b0 36b0 55w0 -005307800,00
47Madorran Gomez MarcelESP 20b0 36w1 14b0 24w1 16b22108923,00
48Perolada Segui MarcESP 21w0 25b0 -0 41b1 33w14903,54,510,00
49Madorran Gil DavidESP 22b½ 16w½ 32b0 26w0 38b14407902,25
50Zhuikov IvanESP 23w1 15b0 21w1 19b0 2w22407823,00
51Caballo Ruiz PabloESP 24b- 29b½ 17w0 44b1 30w1,53904,5611,25
52Jaen Perez ErikESP 25w1 19b0 23w1 7b0 22w220081024,50
53Princep Ramos EdgarESP 26b1 18w0 16b0 45w1 15b22806,5722,50
54Marches Rios EnricESP -1 20w0 22b0 -0 37w14607811,00
55Kuzmenko MaksymESP -0 33b0 37w0 46b1 21w15002310,00

Wtg1: Direct Encounter (DE) (Forfeited games count)
Wtg2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Wtg3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Wtg4: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Wtg5: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)