reclamacions / byes / notificacions:

Ronda 5
Emparellaments provisionals: dilluns 21/10 21:00h
Definitius: dimarts 22/10/2024 22:00h

Dia de joc: diumenge 27/10/2024 a les 09:30h

Diumenge 3/11/2024 no hi ha ronda
Ronda 6: diumenge 10/11/2024 09:30h

Campionat Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup B

OrganizzatoreFederacio Catalana d'Escacs (FCE) - Delegació Territorial de Tarragona
FederazioneCatalonia ( CAT )
Direttore di GaraPescador Serrano, Javier (2203014)
Capo arbitroRodriguez Marcos, Josep Ramon (2230917)
Deputy ArbiterMarches Rios, Joan Manuel (2227444)
Arbitro principaleGarcia Menchon, Josep (54599202)
Tempo di riflessione (Standard)90m + 30s
LuogoHospitalet de l'Infant
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeTorneo svizzero
Rating calculationElo nazionale, Elo internazionale
Dal2024/09/28 al 2024/12/01
Media ELO1643
Programma per accoppiamentiSwiss-Manager de Heinz HerzogFile torneo in formato Swiss-Manager

Il sito e stato aggiornato il21.10.2024 21:00:22, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: Rodriguez Marcos, Jose Ramon

Selezione torneoAbsolut, Grup B, Grup C
LinkSito ufficiale del organizzatore, GoogleMaps, Bases, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Selezione die Parametri Non mostrare dettaglio torneo
ListeElenco giocatori per sorteggio, Elenco giocatori in ordine alfabetico, Statistica per Paese-, Incontro- e Titolo, Lista alfabetica tutti i gruppi, calendario partite
Tabellone dopo 4 turni, Tabellone per numero sorteggio
Accoppiamenti giocatoriTur.1, Tur.2, Tur.3, Tur.4, Tur.5/9 , non sorteggiato
Classifica perTur.1, Tur.2, Tur.3, Tur.4
Excel e stampeExcel-Export (.xlsx), Esporta in PDF, QR-Codes
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Tabellone per numero sorteggio

Nr.Nomepaese*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.TurPts.Pos Cls1  Cls2  Cls3  Cls4  Cls5 
1Ye LingfengESP 27w1 21b1 19w1 8b1 3w4207747,00
2Aledo Vidal GinesESP 28b0 39w½ 42b0 27w1 50b1,53707711,25
3Artiz Ramos PauESP 29w1 24b1 35w1 43b1 1b4107,58,548,50
4Cabrero Font DavidESP 30b½ 22w½ 24w1 11b½ 40w2,51407814,50
5Gil Barcelo JordiESP 31w1 -0 25b0 33b1 -023304,56,522,00
6Lopez Nadal FrancescESP 32b1 -0 28w0 37b1 23w22506,58,523,50
7Ferrer Dalmau Josep A.ESP -0 37w1 30b½ 52w1 18b2,51804,5723,75
8Girona Masdeu JordiESP 33w1 28b+ 18b1 1w0 20b3409,510,536,50
9Mercade Dolcet Juan MariaESP 34b0 41w1 39b0 32w0 -014307,57,510,00
10Costa Berengue JoanESP 35w0 38b1 33w1 20w0 26b22307,58,522,00
11Villaden Isern JoaquimESP 37b1 34w1 20b½ 4w½ -03708,59,526,50
12Rams Domenech RogerESP 38w1 35b0 40w½ 29b1 39w2,51307823,75
13Pino Munoz FranciscaESP 39b½ 30w½ 34b0 31w1 36b22706,57,513,00
14Saladie Prats SalvadorESP 40w1 43b0 47w1 25w½ 32b2,510081025,75
15Bellido Gonzalez SantiagoESP 41b1 50w1 43w0 28b0 53w22208822,00
16Aubeso Albiol AlbertESP 42w½ 49b½ 53w1 35b0 47w22606,57,513,25
17Casabo Llurba Miquel AntonESP 43b0 45w½ 51b1 42w1 25b2,517066,523,25
18Ortega Campallo DavidESP 44w1 53b1 8w0 39b½ 7w2,51107,5823,75
19Marcas Vila LuisESP 46b1 52w1 1b0 50w1 43w3808834,00
20Trullols Vizcarra ArnauESP 47w1 54b1 11w½ 10b1 8w3,53078,537,00
21Muniz Torres Antonio MiguelESP 48b1 1w0 50b0 36w0 55b14108911,00
22Rull Salles DavidESP 49w½ 4b½ 54w1 -0 52b23105713,25
23Bondia Borras Josep MESP 50b0 46w1 52b0 38w1 6b23205521,00
24Sero Angles NilESP 51w+ 3w0 4b0 47b0 -014008,59,511,00
25Ferre Obrados ClimentESP 52b0 48w1 5w1 14b½ 17w2,51506,57,524,25
26Fernandez Cardenas CesarESP 53w0 40b0 44w1 49b1 10w23005,5621,50
27Navarro Fornos Pere JosepESP 1b0 -0 38w0 2b0 41w05406,56,500,00
28Castellnou Sancho JaumeESP 2w1 8w- 6b1 15w1 35b3905,58,535,50
29Alhama Soler AnnaESP 3b0 51w½ 45b1 12w0 42b1,535088,511,25
30Calero Ganso RubenESP 4w½ 13b½ 7w½ 40b0 51b1,53607,59,503,50
31Fargas Oriol JordiESP 5b0 -0 41w1 13b0 -014804510,00
32Galera Vicente RafelESP 6w0 44b½ 49w1 9b1 14w2,519044,522,25
33Solsona Marti OriolESP 8b0 55w1 10b0 5w0 48b14507811,00
34Clerc OceaneESP 9w1 11b0 13w1 -0 -022906823,00
35Muniz Lloris HugoESP 10b1 12w1 3b0 16w1 28w3608,510,536,50
36Esteban Fernandez Josep MESP -0 47b0 46w1 21b1 13w23403521,00
37Andreu Farres PauESP 11w0 7b0 55b1 6w0 54b14207,58,511,00
38Estrada Andreeva MaximESP 12b0 10w0 27b1 23b0 49w14706,56,510,00
39Tolentino Krizantine LeiESP 13w½ 2b½ 9w1 18w½ 12b2,51606714,00
40Azuara Cornejo PabloESP 14b0 26w1 12b½ 30w1 4b2,512078,524,75
41Bernabe Gallegos JoseESP 15w0 9b0 31b0 48w0 27b05504500,00
42Romero Santonja NaturaESP 16b½ -0 2w1 17b0 29w1,538067,512,50
43Fumado Garcia EugeniESP 17w1 14w1 15b1 3w0 19b35091137,00
44Fonoll Plaza RogerESP 18b0 32w½ 26b0 51w0 45b0,551078,501,25
45Cuenca Marquez DanielESP -0 17b½ 29w0 53b0 44w0,552066,501,25
46Luque Granell EloiESP 19w0 23b0 36b0 55w0 -005307800,00
47Madorran Gomez MarcelESP 20b0 36w1 14b0 24w1 16b22108923,00
48Perolada Segui MarcESP 21w0 25b0 -0 41b1 33w14903,54,510,00
49Madorran Gil DavidESP 22b½ 16w½ 32b0 26w0 38b14407902,25
50Zhuikov IvanESP 23w1 15b0 21w1 19b0 2w22407823,00
51Caballo Ruiz PabloESP 24b- 29b½ 17w0 44b1 30w1,53904,5611,25
52Jaen Perez ErikESP 25w1 19b0 23w1 7b0 22w220081024,50
53Princep Ramos EdgarESP 26b1 18w0 16b0 45w1 15b22806,5722,50
54Marches Rios EnricESP -1 20w0 22b0 -0 37w14607811,00
55Kuzmenko MaksymESP -0 33b0 37w0 46b1 21w15002310,00

Cls1: Direct Encounter (DE) (Forfeited games count)
Cls2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Cls3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Cls4: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Cls5: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)