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Campionat Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup B

Last update 03.12.2024 21:53:43, Creator/Last Upload: Rodriguez Marcos, Jose Ramon

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Round 2 on 2024/10/06 at 09:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
121Muniz Torres, Antonio Miguel16731 0 - 11 Ye, Lingfeng18671
224Sero Angles, Nil16411 0 - 11 Artiz Ramos, Pau18053
328Castellnou Sancho, Jaume16321 - - +1 Girona Masdeu, Jordi17408
411Villaden Isern, Joaquim17291 1 - 01 Clerc, Oceane157834
535Muniz Lloris, Hugo15701 1 - 01 Rams Domenech, Roger172412
643Fumado Garcia, Eugeni14871 1 - 01 Saladie Prats, Salvador170314
715Bellido Gonzalez, Santiago17001 1 - 01 Zhuikov, Ivan170050
853Princep Ramos, Edgar16391 0 - 11 Ortega Campallo, David168218
919Marcas Vila, Luis16771 1 - 01 Jaen Perez, Erik165652
1054Marches Rios, Enric16191 0 - 11 Trullols Vizcarra, Arnau167320
114Cabrero Font, David1804½ ½ - ½½ Rull Salles, David166922
1213Pino Munoz, Francisca1706½ ½ - ½½ Calero Ganso, Ruben161630
1349Madorran Gil, David1718½ ½ - ½½ Aubeso Albiol, Albert169016
142Aledo Vidal, Gines18100 ½ - ½½ Tolentino, Krizantine Lei155339
157Ferrer Dalmau, Josep A.17520 1 - 00 Andreu Farres, Pau156237
169Mercade Dolcet, Juan Maria17400 1 - 00 Bernabe Gallegos, Jose154741
1738Estrada Andreeva, Maxim15530 0 - 10 Costa Berengue, Joan173910
1817Casabo Llurba, Miquel Anton16840 ½ - ½0 Cuenca Marquez, Daniel148545
1923Bondia Borras, Josep M16430 1 - 00 Luque Granell, Eloi148246
2025Ferre Obrados, Climent16370 1 - 00 Perolada Segui, Marc142048
2140Azuara Cornejo, Pablo15480 1 - 00 Fernandez Cardenas, Cesar163526
2229Alhama Soler, Anna16230 ½ - ½0 Caballo Ruiz, Pablo169751
2344Fonoll Plaza, Roger14870 ½ - ½0 Galera Vicente, Rafel160132
2433Solsona Marti, Oriol15910 1 - 00 Kuzmenko, Maksym156855
2547Madorran Gomez, Marcel14320 1 - 00 Esteban Fernandez, Josep M156636
265Gil Barcelo, Jordi17941 0 not paired 
276Lopez Nadal, Francesc17541 0 not paired 
2827Navarro Fornos, Pere Josep *)16340 0 not paired 
2931Fargas Oriol, Jordi16120 0 not paired 
3042Romero Santonja, Natura1537½ 0 not paired 

*) This player is assigned to a fixed board.