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28th Tamil Nadu IM Norm Closed Circuit Chess Tournament 2024-25 - Coimbatore

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.09.2024 10:58:29, Creator/Last Upload: IA Chandramouli

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

6GMVahidov Tair14200155UZB2345
8Dhruva Thota25996533IND2342
10GMPodolchenko Evgeniy13504134BLR2338
1Sriram Adarsh Uppala33319782IND2333
7GMManik Mikulas14900734SVK2316
9IMGochelashvili David4161203RUS2279
2CMAakash G25644394IND2278
4Dinesh Rajan M35060600IND2258
3WIMTejaswini G25749978IND2135w
5GMAnnageldyev Orazly14000016TKM2105