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Grupo A Campionat Territorial Absolut Individual de Girona 388543, 388547, 388549

Last update 24.11.2024 14:03:52, Creator/Last Upload: Luis E. Valle Maytin

not paired

28Alarcon Pages, Salvador**
13Alonso Jimenez, Joan*
35Amich Vidal, Pau*
22Calle Munoz, Rafael*
48Compte Marti, Jordi**
12Diaz Comas, Jordi**
7MKDorca Dilme, Ramon**
27Feliu Pale, Joaquim*
50Ferrer Blanc, Francesc*****
21Gonzalez Rodriguez, Josep Antoni******
52Martinez Lentisco, Emiliobye*
20Oliva Llorens, Antoni**
6MKParals Marce, Luis**
47Pau Ferrer, Quirze*
43Pereira Garcia, Josep R.*
44Quintana Serra, Jordi**bye
15Rodriguez Navarro, Ivan*******
45Ros Bove, Jordi*******
46Segovia Jimenez, Rafaelbye
36Vila Camps, Carles**
10Vila I Bague, Arnau*
8WCMVinolas Anglada, Laura*
51Vives Pararols, Arnau*bye
41Vyboyshchikov Oslonovich, Alexei*