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Grupo A Campionat Territorial Absolut Individual de Girona 388543, 388547, 388549

Last update 24.11.2024 14:03:52, Creator/Last Upload: Luis E. Valle Maytin

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMLazaro Pujol Abel 18w1 7b1 4w1 3b½ 2w1 10b1 22w1 6b17,5036,540,5
2Garcia Caro Juan Alber 21b1 34w1 14b½ 6w1 1b0 13w1 3w1 12b16,503639,5
3FMValle Luis Leo 17b1 13w1 20b1 1w½ 6b1 4w1 2b0 7w½6038,542,5
4WCMVinolas Anglada Laura 19w1 11b1 1b0 33w1 18w1 3b0 10w15,5033,539
5MKCarrasco Holgado David 39b½ 44w1 33w0 26b0 41b1 19w1 25b1 11w15,502426
6Alonso Gimenez Mauro 27w1 12b1 29w1 2b0 3w0 18b1 20w1 1w0503639,5
7Valle Luis Liam 28w1 1w0 19b1 11b0 26w1 8b1 10w½ 3b½503538,5
8MKParals Marce Luis 42b1 -0 -0 16w1 39b1 7w0 19b1 20w15027,532,5
9MKDorca Dilme Ramon -0 19b0 52w1 -0 47b1 36w1 33b1 24w1502328
10Tosan Pereira Felipe 47w1 29b0 26w1 12b1 22w1 1w0 7b½ 4b04,5033,535
11Compte Auge Lluis 37w1 4w0 25b1 7w1 21b0 14b½ 23w1 5b04,503235
12Ballo Serrano Jan 35b1 6w0 31b1 10w0 25b½ 15w1 21b1 2w04,5031,534,5
13Dilme Bosch Enric 48w1 3b0 15w1 18b0 28w1 2b0 27w½ 25w14,5031,533
14Diaz Comas Jordi 41w1 49b1 2w½ -0 33b½ 11w½ -0 22b14,502933,5
15Velasco Bonet Joan 20b0 43w1 13b0 44w1 23w½ 12b0 35w1 29b14,502628
16Villalba Pons Guillem 26w½ 33b0 40w1 8b0 30w0 42b1 18w1 27b14,502527,5
Guzman Maglaya Noli 3w0 41b½ 39w0 30b0 38w1 40b1 26w1 28b14,502527,5
18Mallorqui Llop Marc 1b0 38w1 44b1 13w1 4b0 6w0 16b0 33w1403335
19Taberner Calvet Pedro 4b0 9w1 7w0 40b1 35w1 5b0 8w0 37b1403234,5
20Vila I Bague Arnau 15w1 36b1 3w0 34b1 -0 21w1 6b0 8b0403135
21Blanco Esquena Ramon 2w0 30b1 49w1 27b½ 11w1 20b0 12w0 23b½4030,534
22Camos Ramio Miguel 36b0 45w1 47b1 29w1 10b0 33w1 1b0 14w0402829,5
23Vilanova Guardiola Josep Maria 44b0 25w0 48b1 36w1 15b½ 30w1 11b0 21w½402526,5
24Alonso Jimenez Joan 33b½ 31w½ -0 28b0 44w1 35b1 34w+ 9b0402428
25Vyboyshchikov Oslonovich Alexei -0 23b1 11w0 51b+ 12w½ 26b1 5w0 13b03,503033,5
26Gallart Vila Joan 16b½ 39w1 10b0 5w1 7b0 25w0 17b0 43w13,503032,5
27Feliu Pale Joaquim 6b0 35w1 37b½ 21w½ 31b+ -0 13b½ 16w03,5027,531
28Carraminana Puig Jordi 7b0 46w0 32b1 24w1 13b0 39w½ 31b1 17w03,5027,529,5
29Calle Munoz Rafael 40w1 10w1 6b0 22b0 -0 31w½ 39b1 15w03,5026,530
30Pau Ferrer Quirze 34b0 21w0 43b½ 17w1 16b1 23b0 -0 39w13,5025,529
31Garcia Merchan Nicolas Joaquin 50w½ 24b½ 12w0 46b1 27w- 29b½ 28w0 40b13,502427,5
32Vives Pararols Arnau -0 47b0 28w0 48w0 -1 44b1 40w½ 42b13,501720,5
33Romero Kovina Daniel 24w½ 16w1 5b1 4b0 14w½ 22b0 9w0 18b0303337
34Oliva Llorens Antoni 30w1 2b0 36w1 20w0 -0 37b1 24b- -0302629
35Segovia Jimenez Rafael 12w0 27b0 -1 47w1 19b0 24w0 15b0 48w1302526,5
36Amich Vidal Pau 22w1 20w0 34b0 23b0 46w1 9b0 -0 45w13024,527,5
37Martinez Lentisco Emilio 11b0 -1 27w½ 39b½ -0 34w0 45b1 19w0302326
38Quintana Serra Jordi -0 18b0 42w½ -0 17b0 -1 43w½ 46b+3022,525,5
39Teixidor Banus Josep Maria 5w½ 26b0 17b1 37w½ 8w0 28b½ 29w0 30b02,502932
40Massot Cervera Max 29b0 42w1 16b0 19w0 43b1 17w0 32b½ 31w02,502628,5
41Vila Camps Carles 14b0 17w½ -0 42b1 5w0 43b0 48w1 -02,5023,526
42Foix Breto Antoni 8w0 40b0 38b½ 41w0 48b1 16w0 47b1 32w02,502324,5
43Batlle Lloret Francesc 49b- 15b0 30w½ 45b½ 40w0 41w1 38b½ 26b02,502224,5
44Chalmeta Torredemer Jordi 23w1 5b0 18w0 15b0 24b0 32w0 46w0 47b12027,529
45Compte Marti Jordi 51w½ 22b0 -0 43w½ -0 46b1 37w0 36b0202022
46Alarcon Pages Salvador -0 28b1 -0 31w0 36b0 45w0 44b1 38w-201820
47Vidal Palou Jordi 10b0 32w1 22w0 35b0 9w0 48b½ 42w0 44w01,5024,526
48Pereira Garcia Josep R. 13b0 -0 23w0 32b1 42w0 47w½ 41b0 35b01,502223,5
49Ferrer Blanc Francesc 43w+ 14w0 21b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01013,514,5
50Rodriguez Navarro Ivan 31b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,506,57
51Gonzalez Rodriguez Josep Antoni 45b½ -0 -0 25w- -0 -0 -0 -00,5055,5
52Ros Bove Jordi -0 -0 9b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00055

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (DE)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)