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Last update 14.09.2024 17:15:10, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Abdul Rahman Harushaan Nasheed,MDV0
2Ahmed Abdul Rasheed,MDV0
3Ahmed Abdulla Ahmed,MDV0
4Ahmed Eman,MDV0
5Ahmed Raaidh Mohamed,MDV0
6Ahmed Sameeh,MDV0
7Aik Abdulla Rifau,MDV0
8Aishath Imthisal Ismail,MDV0
9Aishath Khumaisaa,MDV0
10Aishath Ziva Zahid,MDV0
11Akram Abdulla,MDV0
12Ali Azif Ibrahim,MDV0
13Aminath Reeha Naeem,MDV0
14Faizaan Asim Abdullah,MDV0
15Hafsa Hafsiyya Hussain,MDV0
16Hassan Aarim,MDV0
17Hussain Ishraaq,MDV0
18Hussain Nishan,MDV0
19Ibrahim Saamin,MDV0
20Ismail Aiham,MDV0
21Jasoor Afzal,MDV0
22Looth Shaheem,MDV0
23Mahil Ibrahim,MDV0
24Mariyam Nabath Nafiz,MDV0
25Mohamed Ayaan Nizar,MDV0
26Mohamed Mahin Sobry,MDV0
27Mohamed Maseeh Mahir,MDV0
28Mohamed Yaasir Moosa,MDV0