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Schülerliga Kreis Nord U8 2024

Senast uppdaterad28.09.2024 16:54:45, Creator/Last Upload: Gutenberger Markus

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1Blüml, DavidAUT0SU Bad Leonfelden
2Broussev, InaAUT0SV Steyregg
3Dragota, CarlaAUT0SU Bad Leonfelden
4Holzmann, AmaliaAUT0Jsv Linz
5Holzmann, AnsgarAUT0JSV Linz
6Maureder, ThomasAUT0SV Haslach
7Prenn, SebastianAUT0ASK St. Valentin
8Schwarz, MinaAUT0SU Bad Leonfelden
9Traxler, JulianAUT0SV Haslach
10Weissenböck, LaurinAUT0SU Bad Leonfelden
11Winter, ValentinAUT0ASK St. Valentin