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Schülerliga Kreis Nord U14 2024 Վերջին արդիացում28.09.2024 16:59:53, Creator/Last Upload: Gutenberger Markus
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Danner, Simon | | AUT | 0 | SU Bad Leonfelden |
2 | | Donets, Valeriy | | AUT | 0 | ASK St. Valentin |
3 | | Haider, Elias | | AUT | 0 | SU Bad Leonfelden |
4 | | Holzinger, Stefan | | AUT | 0 | MS Oberneukirchen |
5 | | Lazar, Alexia Maria | | AUT | 0 | ASK St. Valentin |
6 | | Mitter, Konrad | | AUT | 0 | MS Oberneukirchen |
7 | | Ortner, Pascal | | AUT | 0 | SV Haslach |
8 | | Pumberger, Annika | | AUT | 0 | SC Ottensheim |
9 | | Riabikin, Volodymyr | | AUT | 0 | SV Röhrnbach |
10 | | Wiederkehr, Elisabeth | | AUT | 0 | Freistadt |
11 | | Yemelyanenko, Roman | | AUT | 0 | SV Röhrnbach |