Stäfner Cup 2024/2025

Last update 23.01.2025 23:32:34, Creator/Last Upload: Schachclub Stäfa

LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Rank after Round 10, Ranking crosstable after Round 10, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7, Rd.8, Rd.9, Rd.10/14 , not paired
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Alphabetical list

1Bednarczuk, Jakub1837SUIStäfa
2Bernhard, Werner13380131378SUIStäfa
3Bloemen, André1799SUIStäfa
4Caspersen, Jes2076SUIStäfa
5Dagon, Gilbert1059SUIStäfa
6Faes, Max13396561480SUIStäfa
7Fröhling, Jürg13204911540SUIStäfa
8Germann, Leo13233001833SUIStäfa
9Heerklotz, Lennard0SUIStäfa
10Jelinek, Petr3107352144CZEStäfa
11Masantschek, Ralf0SUIStäfa
12Neidhart, Gian0SUI
13Özdemir, Yagiz13289481789SUIStäfa
14Poell, Jörg13382001627SUIStäfa
15Schmitter, Albert13071001897SUIStäfa
16Scholian, Ruedi0SUIStäfa
17Thalmann, Oliver13451761795SUIZürich Sg
18Wehrenberg, Hal0SUI
19Wild, Peter1426SUIRapperswil-Jona
20Wrobel, Jan1499SUIStäfa