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Nascidos entre 2008 a 2011

II Intercolegial de Xadrez da Tijuca 2024 - Sub 18

Senast uppdaterad17.09.2024 13:47:14, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Carvalho AF

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1Caio Fernandes De OliveiraBRA1500TTC
2Daniel De Aquino Forestieri CastroBRA1500TTC
3Daniel Ramos RodriguesBRA1500TTC
4Francisco Fernandes Ferreira NetoBRA1500TTC
5Guilherme Melo KelekianBRA1500TTC
6Gustavo Baptista MartinsBRA1500TTC
7João Victor Braga PintoBRA1500TTC
8Leandro Costa MarquesBRA1500TTC
9Lohan Deluca Martins VieiraBRA1500TTC
10Renato HohneBRA1500TTC
11Sophie Bernardo NascimentoBRA1500TTC
12Vitor Favero De Souza LimaBRA1500TTC
13Yuri Amaral Dos Santos SerafimBRA1500TTC