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Kangasala-Liiga 25.9-4.12.24

Senast uppdaterad30.09.2024 22:01:18, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 20)

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Korstabell efter 1 ronder

Plac.NamnRatingNation1.Rd2.RdPoäng TB1 
1Laurila Antti1853FIN 9b1 2w10
Suvanto Oula1625FIN 8b1 1b10
Palmu Petri1303FIN 10b1 6w10
4Siurola Aapo1803FIN 7b½ 8w0,50,5
Pohjala Ilari1733FIN 6b½ 7w0,50,5
Olden Aleksi1668FIN 5w½ 3b0,50,5
Kinnusvuori Jani1275FIN 4w½ 5b0,50,5
8Kahilainen Jorma1706FIN 2w0 4b01
Kuusela Jarkko1665FIN 1w0 10b01
Oikkonen Jouko1603FIN 3w0 9w01

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)