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Ayr Weekend Congress Minor Posledná aktualizácia 15.09.2024 17:47:04, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Cumming, Paul | | SCO | 1398 |
2 | | Saemundsson, Thor | | SCO | 1324 |
3 | | Cassidy, Bernard | | SCO | 1314 |
4 | | Smith, Mark | | SCO | 1223 |
5 | | Dallas, Alastair | | SCO | 1075 |
6 | | Shopynskyi, Vladyslav | | SCO | 965 |
7 | | Shopynskyi, Petro | | SCO | 949 |
8 | | Bhaskar, Sriram | | SCO | 917 |
9 | | Shopynskyi, Mykola | | SCO | 847 |
10 | | Lopez Henderson, Sandy | | SCO | 707 |
11 | | Al Dakl Alla, Maria | | SCO | 619 |
12 | | Prabhu, Ainesh | | SCO | 593 |
13 | | Patel, Jiaansh | | SCO | 0 |
14 | | Torrance, Leighton | | SCO | 0 |