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Ayr Weekend Congress Major

Senast uppdaterad15.09.2024 20:02:04, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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1Dudkin, Ruslan14197979UKR1750
2Aitchison, A Keith2403072SCO1682
3Watson-Mcfie, Joseph2408872SCO1588
4AFMAl Dakl Alla, Humam2410150SCO1582
5Kleboe, James P R2401746SCO1554
6Wilson, Conor2415690SCO1528
7Kerridge, Simon2404338SCO1509
8Potts, David2405237SCO1502
9MacGregor, Steven2407361SCO1496
10Conway, Ciaran2414066SCO1485
11Clark, Eve2415542SCO1454
12Zinchenko, Timur2416379SCO1438
13Ritchie, Anthony2414929SCO1423
14Aitken, Thomas W2415445SCO1414
15Thomson, Steve2415429SCO1410
16Young, Colin2408635SCO1409
17Hope, Iain2405350SCO1356
18Prakash, Sumanth2411555SCO1343
19Muirhead, Alastair2410273SCO1316
20Yip, Oscar2413264SCO1262
21Kovalevskij, Alan2414996SCO1253
22Yip, Atticus2413256SCO1109
23Heggie, Stephen2409194SCO1083
24Mcaleer, Thomas126105322SCO1043