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Sep12 Rapid BS

Last update 12.09.2024 22:02:34, Creator/Last Upload: Beit Shemesh

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Starting rank

1Cohen, MosheISR1850
2Pierouz, NasirovISR1800
3Sharabani, YaackovISR1600
5Bari, YishayISR1350
6Isaacson, YehudaISR1350
7Lavitseren, YissacharISR1350
8Shemesh, BetzalelISR1300
9Etkind, EliyahuISR1250
10Kabala, IlayISR1250
11Kabala, OzISR1250
13Baron, ShmuelISR1200
14Furman, ShmayaISR1200