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XXVIé Obert d'Escacs de Sta Margarida de Montbui - Memorial Joan Llorens

Last update 23.11.2024 00:44:55, Creator/Last Upload: Gabino Exposito Avila

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Round 4 on 2024/10/18

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
18Parayre Soguero, Jordi1950 ½ - ½3 Argerich Farras, Josep19943
22Martinez Gutierrez, Bernat2001 1 - 0 Sola Sendra, Francesc179217
39Olle Baeza, Pere1876 0 - 1 Soteras Largo, Angel19905
413Luco Perez, Bernat1855 0 - 1 Martinez Marcos, Erik199418
520Valarezzo Ricard, Pedro17732 0 - 12 Verdes Nadal, Ramon19357
611Luco Manubens, Daniel18602 1 - 02 Diaz Soro, Josep Lluis175521
712Torres Valenzuela, Manuel18542 1 - 02 Serarols Montes, Joan174722
815Clotet Torrelles, Ramon18602 1 - 02 Palomo Muriana, Ramon167830
916Rosich Guberna, Pascual17982 0 - 12 Serradell Munoz, Silvia167033
106Vilella Bertran, Joan1924 1 - 0 Magem Bofias, Alex157539
1125Lopez Buil, Jesus1796 1 - 0 Prat Rabell, Josep M.185610
1224Montiel Vendrell, Jordi1702 0 - 1 Luque Santamaria, Alvaro163436
1338Arjona Sanchez, Juan15501 0 - 11 Sviridenko, Yaroslav21371
1414Barrot Farre, Salvador18561 1 - 01 Meyer, Kuno167629
1523Vidal Bermejo, Joan Angel17351 1 - 01 Montana Gonzalez, Victor163231
1627Sanchez Lopez, Juan16991 0 - 11 Torres Palau, Jordi163532
1728Fernandez Diaz, Jose Antonio16841 1 - 01 Gil Fernandez, Lluis Antoni160235
1843Mestre Romeu, Gerard1505½ - - +1 Quintana Palau, Santiago152640
194Creus Sola, Andreu1929½ 1 - 0½ Farell Duran, Josep157237
2044Claramunt Junjent, Maria14490 0 - 1½ Trevino Martinez, Cristobal175419
2146Serradell Villa, Andrea14500 0 - 10 Roma Alsina, Jaume147642
2226Vidal Tomas, Andreu1698½ 0 not paired 
2334Pinheiro Moraes, Diego1632½ 0 not paired 
2441Mendez Fernandez, Asensio1512½ 0 not paired 
2545Grados Farrera, Raquel14460 0 not paired