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Please arrive by 9:30 am on Saturday, October 19th. Round 1 pairings will be posted at 9:30 am. Thank you, we look forward to seeing you at the club.

2024 Toronto Junior Chess Championship - U1600 Section

Darrera actualització21.10.2024 02:59:22, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 72)

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Rànquing inicial

1ACMMangai Sivakumar, Velan17776832910438915991471
2Singh, Jayden188710266395301275
3Das, Antarip181174266714201261
4Ghosh, Srijeet1881113994100001255
5Ivkin, Michael175540265487315291212
6Saravanan, Sarvesh1850278810504001188
7Elangattu, Agnay Murali174984265795301163
8ACMMathur, Apramey182191265979415271157
9Li, Jiazhou18985201141
10Zheng, Lucas180477266599901089
11Chattopadhyay, Adhrit18719601067
12Feng, Archer179922266486001044
13Chen, Mulin179290266239601042
14Bharathi Sankar Ratna Maala, Pranav178886265817801030
15Patade, Aradhya186802266670701025
16Sahni, Anagh185343266299001012
17Tatke, Tansh18494126595300994
18Li, Maisen18396326624260984
19Vasquez, Melissa18319826560000960w
20Chan, Justin18334300