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Third Hong Kong International Chess Friendship Tournament Rapid -U7

Darrera actualització22.09.2024 10:07:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hong Kong Chess 

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Rànquing inicial

1Chan, Cameron Yu Hin0
2Chau, Chak Hei0
3Cheng, Boyu0
4Cheung, Max0
5Chon, Connor0
6Chon, Hunter0
7Cunningham, Ryan0
8Dai, Zhongyu Matthew0
9Fu, Lukas0
10Guo, Xiumo (Brendan)0
11Huang, Harper0w
12Kang, JiaHe0
13King, Sallie0w
14Li, Jin0
15Liu, Charlie0
16Pang, Trevor Vernon0
17Shen, Remy0
18Shu, Muyan0
19SUN, Anrui (Audrey)0w
20SUN, Anya (Andrea)0w
21Tong, Larry0
22Tong, Zayne0
23Tu, Yutian Alexander0
24Wang, Dylan0
25Wang, Jacqueline0
26Wang, Ray0
27Xue, Griffin0
28Yuan, Yetta0w
29Zhao, Yuzhi Jude0
30Zhen, Aston0