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Third Hong Kong International Chess Friendship Tournament Rapid-U8

Վերջին արդիացում22.09.2024 09:59:41, Creator/Last Upload: Hong Kong ChessĀ 

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Wang, Chun Kit Daniel60151311468
2Cai, Zian Luke0
3Chakravarty, Arjun0
4Chan, Hui Fung0
5Chan, Lok0
6Cheung, Leo0
7Heilesen, Cebastien0
8Hou, Aiden0
9Kim, Victor0
10Lee, Tyler0
11Lin, Ziyang0
12Luu, Alexa0w
13Mak, To Sang0
14Pearce, Marissa Chu0w
15Wan, Aiden0
16Wang, Tyler60167230
17Wei, Skyler0
18Xu, Nicholas Yidong0
19Yan, Adam You Xi0
20Yu, Zichen0
21Yun, Harvey0
22Zou, Chengyu Lucas0
23Zuo, Jake Keran0