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CASPL 3rd FIDE Rated Standard Chess Championships 2024-OPEN

Last update 17.11.2024 10:22:12, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy (Singapore) PL

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1Balaji, Shyam58563610SGP
2Buenaobra, Leo Jr52167961686PHI
3Cheng, Aiden399335981566USA
4Cheong, Lip Ghee58682970SGP
5Cheung, Wang Hei Amos58482610SGP
6Gautham, Bharadwaj881663330IND
7Gozali, Isaac58553571621SGP
8Guan, Rui58544150SGP
9Han, Lam Hin Victor58668390SGP
10AIMLalas, Eric Laforteza52137621693PHI
11Lim, Hsien Jin58416821587SGP
12Lim, Peng Hui Kelvin58436931445SGP
13Lim, Josiah Zheng Xian58398580SGP
14Liu, Weilie58640200SGP
15Loh, Kai Ern Euan58339571481SGP
16Nair, Nived58473620SGP
17Oh, Kang Le Clifford58224831437SGP
18Ohng, Kok Yeong Kevin58348301586SGP
19ACMShaunak, Paramanik334814401572IND
20Shaurya, Bohra58311640SGP
21Shubh, Gupta881108500IND
22Tan, Caleb Jun Choong58438800SGP
23Tay, Ye Zhe Eliot58380610SGP
24Teo, Wei Xuan Raphael58366200SGP
25AIMTing, Joseph1291045340SGP
26Wong, King Lok Micah58553220SGP
27Yeo, Zhen Long Jacob58587200SGP