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UPRM Chess Club Torneo Intramural

Posledná aktualizácia 12.09.2024 05:18:56, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Štartová listina

1Diaz Millan, Jean P.3113000PUR1882
2Vales Quinones, Pedro I.3111717PUR1815
3Marina Santana, Cristian M.3105245PUR1814
4Figueroa Serrano, Kevin3110028PUR1756
5Deliz Orengo, Arturo3110117PUR1753
6Trinidad Carrero, Dessire3110206PUR1510
7Perez Perez, Danay3109755PUR1488
8Borsini, FrancoPUR0
9Carde Velazquez, Edward3110192PUR0
10De Jesus, EduardoPUR0
11Gomez, Juan PabloPUR0
12Hernandez, DerekPUR0
13Rodriguez, RodrigoPUR0
14Rosario, JunoelPUR0