TEF Chess Tournament 2024 Below 10

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1. Turno il 2024/11/13 alle 07.00 AM

Sc.Nr.WhiteEloPts. RisultatoPts. BlackEloNr.
12Advik Pradeepkumar, 00 + - -0 Kavinesh mithraan, 09
210Kimaya sri, 00 1 - 00 AMARNATH RAJESHKUMAR, 03
34Dharish sabareesan, 00 - - +0 Magizh G P, 011
412Mahanidhi Mahalingam, 00 0 - 10 Ishaan A, 05
56JASWVIN ARUNPRASADH, 00 1 - 00 Mohit, 013
614Midhun Saahar P, 00 1 - 00 Joshua Sathyaraj, 07
78Kavinayan V Y, 00 1 - 00 Pavishnavi, 015
816Pugazhini, 00 + - -0 Sarathi pranav, 021
922Sashtika Hogulnath, 00 0 - 10 Aadhira, 01
1017S Mugunthan, 00 0 - 10 Sathvika Umashankar, 023
1124Suhas, 00 - - +0 S Neela, 018
1219Sai Harshiv, 00 0 - 10 Sumesh Suresh, 025
1326Suseenthiran, 00 + - -0 Sai Harshiv Gurunivasan, 020
1427Vishwa, 00 1 bye