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Fide Rated Tournament Fee: 100 AED Prizes: Total prize pool of 2,000 AED Registration link whatsapp 0564118184 you can come and Registr before 11:00 am Advanced Chess Challenge 5x5 Վերջին արդիացում22.09.2024 12:03:40, Creator/Last Upload: IA Sayed ALattar
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | GM | Golizadeh, Asghar | 12505269 | IRI | 2374 |
2 | | FM | Kiremitciyan, Ari | 6373445 | TUR | 2161 |
3 | | | Lagutin, Nelman | 5202876 | PHI | 2130 |
4 | | | Santiago, Reggie Mel | 5264049 | PHI | 2013 |
5 | | FM | Khadour, Ismael | 7601930 | SYR | 1920 |
6 | | | Mosallam, Mohammad | 9308709 | UAE | 1709 |
7 | | | Manlla Hasan, Ahmad | 138105352 | FID | 1626 |
8 | | | Cresencia, Carl Louiz | 5264995 | PHI | 1555 |
9 | | | Cresencia, Clarence Miguel | 5264987 | PHI | 1537 |
10 | | | Pabalan, Rocky | 5207681 | PHI | 1961 |
11 | | | Tabnak, Iraj | 12572314 | IRI | 1764 |
12 | | IM | Salcedo, Richilieu Iii | 5204658 | PHI | 2246 |