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Budapest One Short Week U2250

Last update 20.12.2024 14:08:25, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

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Starting rank

1IMOrso, Miklos700290HUN2149
2FMBalint, Vilmos718050HUN2149
3Horvath, Kristof740136HUN2133
4Kormos, Adam730483HUN2104
5Dodoi, Matei-Teodor1278029ROU2085
6Suranyi, Pal706060HUN2071
7Lehocz, Jozsef Jr.799270HUN2054
8Gabula, Adam787205HUN2053
9CMSabarez, Iulian1251813ROU2050
10Andreev, Stanislav2907798BUL2015
11WFMToth, Lili17000084HUN2011
12Liu, Meng8620644CHN1991
13Teh, Wee Zhun5707277MAS1977
14Budai, Akos17015111HUN1971
15WCMMadanasri, Gundala5022541IND1960
16Szabo, Marton Nandor795178HUN1942
17Wang, Luomeng17016606HUN1939
18Codru, Raul Cristian42203996ROU1920
19Sadbhav, Rautela45073619IND1882
20Kiss, Inez17004306HUN1800
21Vaduva, Ion-Valentin1268570ROU1780
22Nehme, Romeo30964920USA1714
23Jarai, Csenge1330551SUI1656
24Csermely, Zoltan741728HUN1653