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Budapest One Short Week U2250

Last update 20.12.2024 14:08:25, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1 
115WCMMadanasri, GundalaIND19606,532,75
25Dodoi, Matei-TeodorROU2085630,25
7Lehocz, Jozsef Jr.HUN2054630,25
412Liu, MengCHN1991629,50
59CMSabarez, IulianROU20505,528,00
64Kormos, AdamHUN21045,525,50
78Gabula, AdamHUN20535,522,50
819Sadbhav, RautelaIND1882521,50
911WFMToth, LiliHUN2011520,50
1010Andreev, StanislavBUL2015519,75
17Wang, LuomengHUN1939519,75
121IMOrso, MiklosHUN21494,522,75
136Suranyi, PalHUN20714,515,75
1416Szabo, Marton NandorHUN1942413,75
152FMBalint, VilmosHUN2149413,50
1620Kiss, InezHUN1800413,25
1721Vaduva, Ion-ValentinROU1780412,00
1818Codru, Raul CristianROU1920410,50
1913Teh, Wee ZhunMAS19773,511,75
2014Budai, AkosHUN1971312,00
2122Nehme, RomeoUSA171436,50
2223Jarai, CsengeSUI165623,00
233Horvath, KristofHUN21331,56,00
2424Csermely, ZoltanHUN165311,00

Tie Break1: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)