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Pairings are ready!

Budapest One Short Week IM-A

Last update 20.12.2024 13:34:34, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

Alphabetical list

1WFMBashylina, Luisa12983292GER2127
2CMCollins, Adam2512300IRL2155
3CMCsernyik, Mark797030HUN2175
4Fodor, Balazs741850HUN2192
5Foldes, Marton Gabor794708HUN2261
6IMHorvath, David704890HUN2317
7IMKrizsany, Laszlo701718HUN2316
8FMNemeth, Zalan2512041IRL2286
9IMTo, Nhat Minh729019HUN2298
10WIMVelikic, Adela913553SRB2237