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Pairings are ready!
Plat Vojtech replaced Nagy Gabor and Maerevoet Sim replaced Vlachos Anatole
Lu Miaoyi replaced Damjanovic Vuk

Budapest One Short Week GM-A

Last update 20.12.2024 14:12:42, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

Alphabetical list

1GMAczel, Gergely727709HUN2485
2GMBerczes, David722960HUN2407
3IMLee, Junhyeok13202340KOR2426
4IMLu, Miaoyi8618020CHN2441
5IMMaerevoet, Sim241725BEL2421
6FMMahitosh, Dey25091468IND2245
7FMPaszewski, Mateusz1141058POL2344
8GMPlat, Vojtech325740CZE2457
9FMSklokin, Sergey55730230FID2329
10IMZverev, Lev24250775FID2441