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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
FM Sujendra Prasad Shrestha Memorial 1st Veteran S50 Rapid Chess Championship-2081اخر تحديث26.09.2024 08:41:39, منشئ/آخر رفع: Nshrestha111
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | Nepali, Badrilal | 12300020 | NEP | 1997 | Bagmati |
2 | | Khadka, Pawan | 12305758 | NEP | 1990 | Bagmati |
3 | | Shrestha, Rajendra Prasad | 12300489 | NEP | 1962 | Bagmati |
4 | FM | Shrestha, Bilam Lal | 12300047 | NEP | 1958 | Bagmati |
5 | | Karmacharya, Punya Man | 12300039 | NEP | 1948 | Bagmati |
6 | | Khadka, Purna Raj | 12300322 | NEP | 1929 | Bagmati |
7 | | Kachhepati, Rajesh | 12300608 | NEP | 1925 | Bagmati |
8 | CM | Sharma, Bhagawati Prasad | 12300624 | NEP | 1908 | Bagmati |
9 | | Duwal, Ganesh Man | 12300284 | NEP | 1902 | Bagmati |
10 | CM | Tandukar, Nabin | 5021189 | NEP | 1896 | Bagmati |
11 | | Bajracharya, Rajendra | 12300241 | NEP | 1895 | Bagmati |
12 | | Chhetri, Ram Bahadur | 12300799 | NEP | 1890 | Gandaki |
13 | | Shrestha, Janardan | 12300497 | NEP | 1886 | Bagmati |
14 | | Ghimire, Bishwo Bijay | 12300233 | NEP | 1876 | Koshi |
15 | | B.K, Tirth Bahadur | 12301337 | NEP | 1874 | Lumbini |
16 | | Kepchhaki, Jeet Bahadur | 12300365 | NEP | 1870 | Sudurpaschim |
17 | | Pandey, Bheem Datt | 12300101 | NEP | 1855 | Sudurpaschim |
18 | | Rai, Abiral | 12304573 | NEP | 1851 | Koshi |
19 | | Rai, Narendra | 12319678 | NEP | 1847 | Koshi |
20 | | Rai, Surendra Kumar | 12307572 | NEP | 1838 | Koshi |
21 | | Shrestha, Ashok Mohan | 12306533 | NEP | 1838 | Bagmati |
22 | | Gainju, Damodar | 12301639 | NEP | 1828 | Bagmati |
23 | | Duwal, Purushottam | 12300837 | NEP | 1826 | Bagmati |
24 | | Gurung, Bijay | 12301370 | NEP | 1819 | Lumbini |
25 | | Sharma, Buddhiraj | 12309508 | NEP | 1806 | Gandaki |
26 | | Shrestha, Gyanendra Prasad | 12300691 | NEP | 1796 | Bagmati |
27 | | Limbu, Krishna Bahadur | 12301248 | NEP | 1765 | Koshi |
28 | | Seth, Laxman Kumar | 12311839 | NEP | 1734 | Madhesh |
29 | | Shrestha, Shambhu Kumar | 12326623 | NEP | 1726 | Koshi |
30 | | Thapa, Dilkeshar | 12319708 | NEP | 1683 | Koshi |
31 | | Sigdel, Krishna Prasad | 12308455 | NEP | 1666 | Koshi |
32 | | Rai, Kishor Dev | 12340278 | NEP | 1657 | Koshi |
33 | | Rawal, Nirak Bahadur | 12327557 | NEP | 1597 | Karnali |
34 | | Chaudhary, Raj Narayan | 12337048 | NEP | 1591 | Madhesh |
35 | | Ranabhat, Narendra | 12331830 | NEP | 1584 | Gandaki |
36 | | Thapa, Jagatbahadur | 12301183 | NEP | 1569 | Lumbini |
37 | | Pun, Harka Bahadur | 12353221 | NEP | 1540 | Lumbini |
38 | | Somai, Prem Bahadur | 12312045 | NEP | 1515 | Karnali |
39 | | Gupta, Binod Kumar | 12337102 | NEP | 0 | Madhesh |
40 | | Ligal, Mahendra | | NEP | 0 | Gandaki |
41 | | Rajkarnikar, Buddhi | 12355909 | NEP | 0 | Bagmati |
42 | | Shrestha, Nawaraj | 12329657 | NEP | 0 | Lumbini |