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3rd Place = $200
4th & 5th Places = $100
6th to 10th Places = $80
Best Lady = $150
Best Veteran = $150
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U10 Trophies 1st to 5th
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U14 Trophies 1st to 5th
U16 Trophies 1st to 5th
Tophies for Best Un-rated

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Chess Connexion Rapid Open 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 19.10.2024 12:14:11, Creator/Last Upload: Lim Boon-Seng Christopher

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Štartová listina

1GMTin, Jingyao5804418SGP2479
2GMVillamayor, Buenaventura5200393SGP2402S50
3Olay, Edgar Reggie5206189PHI2313
4FMCabe, Arlan5203627PHI2185S50
5Lim, Chin Lee5700779SGP2054
6CMChia, Yu Zhe Ashton5821304SGP1972U16
7Sung, Tze Shyan Evin5832020SGP1921U12
8CMNisban, Cyrus5806003SGP1901U20
9AGMKapoor, Satvik72900180SGP1868U16
10Lee, Jing Xi Jonathan5825733SGP1858U16
11Wong, Yen-Hsiu Elliot5827701SGP1855U14
12Sanjay, Vasu5828678SGP1845U14
13Hoe, Chew Ming Thomas5802598SGP1833S50
14Tan, Jun Yi Royce5806496SGP1804
15Siddharth, Sai5823404SGP1791U14
16Chen, Yifei5832071SGP1776U14
17Vijay, Rege5833655SGP1768U16
18AFMKoh, Zhe Quan Benedict5823544SGP1766U18
19WCMFang, Kun5819660SGP1755wU20
20Yu, Kaiyi5828686SGP1755U12
21AIMAgarwal, Madhav5819075SGP1746U18
22AFMTeo, Hong Kai Javier5835518SGP1745U12
23Koh, Wei Le Gladys5820669SGP1741wU16
24Bonnet, Gabriel Misa Jean6008623SGP1736U14
25Timothy, Gerard Lopez5836506SGP1718
26Gan, Wei En Justin5826659SGP1714U14
27WCMSreekarthika, Velmurugan25996045SGP1688wU12
28Ng, Jing Xuan Alyssa5828740SGP1686wU14
29Huang, Junren5846170SGP1659U10
30Chia, Zhi Kai Aaron5831350SGP1638U16
31Lai, Junwei Wilbert5837901SGP1636U16
32Kapoor, Tanush72900369SGP1620U14
33Heng, Jun Herng Kyan5830095SGP1608U12
34Wee, Yu Heng Lucas John5836352SGP1604U08
35Ng, Jaeden Etienne5829356SGP1590U16
36Teah, Jared5826624SGP1581U14
37AIMTing, Joseph129104534SGP1573S50
38Ho, Ray Ee5824516SGP1568U16
39Chong, Yong Qian5833612SGP1554wU12
40Sim, Yan Xiang Ethan5830745SGP1548U14
41Cao, Bangling5834465SGP1546wU10
42Ng, Yong Rui Benjamin5837340SGP1544U14
43Oh, Xu Jie Dawson5827116SGP1535U14
44AFMAbhigyan, Jha5834422SGP1533U10
45Wang, Ningnan5836131SGP1527U10
46Nisban, Corwin5823722SGP1493U16
47Liu, Weilie5864020SGP1486
48Ng, Jing Qi Ashley5836247SGP1476wU08
49Akshara, Gobinath33395292IND1475wU14
50Chin, Colin Hou Yin30971470SGP1471U12
51ACMKumaran, Somasundaram5811767SGP1460
52Heng, Jun Kai Ryan5830117SGP1458U14
53Loh, Zheng Yi Alfred72900709SGP1456U14
54Lee, Jie Zhen Tedric5827825SGP1451U12
55Zhou, Ruixi Kendrick5849136SGP1447U10
56Sathrugnan, Ravi Sivashankar5842816SGP1413S50
57Teo, Rui Zhe5830761SGP1406U14
58Ansoine, Arthur527059405FRA0U08
59Cao, Bangting5840600SGP0U08
60Chong, Yan Ci5836875SGP0wU10
61Foo, En Ze David5857147SGP0U08
62Korenev, Maksim34482113RUS0
63Mahesh, Dhruv5847060SGP0U12
64Yong, Kai Zhe Lexis5855098SGP0U14
65Yong, Zheng Rui Lennon5855101SGP0U12
66Zhang, Yuming5847346SGP0U08