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The Q Rapid Chess Tournament

Darrera actualització15.09.2024 14:37:08, Creador/Darrera càrrega: spartanchessgroup

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Rànquing inicial

1Masango, SpencerZIM2062
2Katsande, TanakaZIM1995
3Chinhanga, TinasheZIM1958
4Moyo, BlessingZIM1917
5Mureya, TerrenceZIM1899
6Kaverenga, MatthewZIM1804
7Ndou, TatendaZIM1655
8Bobby, KupakwasheZIM1643
9Mhangwa, TanatswaZIM1475
10Chimbwanda, GeshmanZIM0
11Chinoera, Nigel TatendaZIM0
12Lino, SheltonZIM0
13Madzamba, KeithZIM0
14Madzamba, PrinceZIM0
15Muroyiwa, TafadzwaZIM0
16Njakasi, PeterZIM0
17Nyoni, NkululekoZIM0
18Ruvengo, LivisonZIM0