SV Werder Vereinsmeisterschaft 24/25

Il sito e stato aggiornato il14.01.2025 14:03:52, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: Swiss-Chess 326688

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Tabellone dopo 4 turni

PosNomeElopaese*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.Tur*.TurPts. Cls1  Cls2 
1Franke Reiner2162GER 8b- 14b1 7w1 4b1 2w385,00
2Meyer Irmin1923GER 15b1 4w½ 5b½ 6w1 1b37,55,00
3Meyer-Siebert Ingolf1898GER 13b1 12w½ 6b½ 9w1 5b375,25
4Büttner Thomas1981GER 7w1 2b½ 9b1 1w02,5105,50
5Gulamzada Elmir1724GER 10w½ 11b1 2w½ 8b½ 3w2,595,50
6Steiniger Yannik1171GER 10b1 3w½ 2b0 8w2104,50
7Adaschkiewitz Wolfgang1788GER 4b0 13w1 1b0 12w+ 10w293,50
8Künitz Bernhard1849GER 1w+ 9w0 12b½ 5w½ 6b284,00
9Jung Gerald1923GER 14w1 8b1 4w0 3b0 11w282,50
10Wemßen Lothar1947GER 5b½ 6w0 15w1 11b½ 7b272,75
11Kardoeus Jens1704GER 12b½ 5w0 14b1 10w½ 9b26,52,25
12Milde Lars1908GER 11w½ 3b½ 8w½ 7b- 13b1,58,53,50
13Henke Alexander1360GER 3w0 7b0 15b1 12w1,571,25
14Burblies Andreas1713GER 9b0 1w0 11w0 15b0,57,50,25
15Rose Helmut1713GER 2w0 10b0 13w0 14w0,570,25

Cls1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Cls2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable