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Autumn Seagulls

Last update 09.09.2024 09:46:58, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Costa, SoniaIRL1442Skerries
2Sherlock, PeadarIRL1377Skerries
3Leonard, CharlieIRL1356Skerries
4Gaspar, Yuri2529521IRL1352Skerries
5Gicale, AdamIRL1352Skerries
6Guildea, JackIRL1319Skerries
7Houlihan, MatthewIRL1283Skerries
8Gicale, EthanIRL1261Skerries
9Sweetman, JamesIRL1211Skerries
10Murray, ThomasIRL1200Skerries
11Urbanski, PaddyIRL1190Skerries
12Loughran, ÁineIRL1127Skerries
13O'Sullivan, BradleyIRL1099Skerries
14Tyndall, TomIRL1097Skerries
15Murray, ChristopherIRL1079Skerries
16Monaghan, WillowIRL1029Skerries
17Monaghan, JoshuaIRL1014Skerries
18Thorburn, TiernanIRL1094Skerries