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Skerries Autumn Open

Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 12:17:04, Creator/Last Upload:

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Štartová listina

1Loughran, John2501562IRL1777Skerries
2Allidine, Mark2514397IRL1727Skerries
3Johnston, Owen2514222IRL1698Skerries
4Silveiro, Miguel22788190IRL1642Skerries
5Clarke, RoryIRL1590
6Kosowski, DamianIRL1520
7Scanlon, Adam2526034IRL1509Skerries
8Duggan, JamesIRL1500Skerries
9Koinzer, SeminoIRL1500Skerries
10O’Brien, KeithIRL1498Skerries
11Jackson, TomIRL1476Skerries
12Gicale, RajivIRL1437Skerries
13Raparthi, Neel2526000IRL1435Skerries
14Caneira, Rui368110949IRL1409Skerries
15Muthu Thirupathi, AarathyaIRL1399Skerries
16Samuel, ChadwickIRL1396Skerries
17Muthu Thirupathi, AdhisyaIRL1375Skerries
18Florczak, AdamIRL1340Skerries
19Florczak, TomaszIRL1251Skerries
20O'Leary, DavidIRL1500Skerries
21Lenehan, DonnachaIRL1500