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Tancat 10e Memorial Doctor Vallve 2024 No Federats

Posledná aktualizácia 03.12.2024 00:21:06, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Solera Castellano

Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu

7Alonso Galvan, DavidCAT1700Cornella C.E.
3Batlle, MiguelCAT1700Cornella C.E.
6Cocera Flores, DanielCAT1700C.E. Cornella
10Garcia Navarro, SoniaCAT1700wCornella C.E.
9Garcia Querol, MariaCAT1700wCornella C.E.
8Nunez Leon, FranciscoCAT1700Cornella C.E.
2Prims Vasconcelos, BrendaCAT1700wC.E.Cornella
4Roure Martin, AnnaCAT1700wCornella C.E.
1Sola Perea, Maria AngelesCAT1700wCornella C.E.
5Sola Perea, SilviaCAT1700wCornella C.E.