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Tancat 10e Memorial Doctor Vallve 2024 No FederatsՎերջին արդիացում22.10.2024 00:59:57, Creator/Last Upload: Francisco Solera Castellano
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
7 | | Alonso Galvan, David | CAT | 1700 | | Cornella C.E. |
3 | | Batlle, Miguel | CAT | 1700 | | Cornella C.E. |
6 | | Cocera Flores, Daniel | CAT | 1700 | | C.E. Cornella |
10 | | Garcia Navarro, Sonia | CAT | 1700 | w | Cornella C.E. |
9 | | Garcia Querol, Maria | CAT | 1700 | w | Cornella C.E. |
8 | | Nunez Leon, Francisco | CAT | 1700 | | Cornella C.E. |
2 | | Prims Vasconcelos, Brenda | CAT | 1700 | w | C.E.Cornella |
4 | | Roure Martin, Anna | CAT | 1700 | w | Cornella C.E. |
1 | | Sola Perea, Maria Angeles | CAT | 1700 | w | Cornella C.E. |
5 | | Sola Perea, Silvia | CAT | 1700 | w | Cornella C.E. |