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Изабери савез: Nepal (NEP)

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Последња измена
1World Record Chess Day Tournament Kanchanpur -NEP 1st SARC Open Rating Blitz Chess Tournament
Bz 29 Дани 3 Сати
2Himalayan Boarding Inter School Chess Tournament-2081 (Class 6-10) Boys NA Ram Bahadur Chhetri 12300799
St 29 Дани 8 Сати
3bullet HBS friends Aniversary
Bz 30 Дани 8 Сати
41st Himalayan Friendship Aniversery Chess Tournament-Pokhara (Blitz)
Bz 30 Дани 8 Сати
5Himalayan Boarding Inter School Chess Tournament-2081 (Class 6-10) Girls NA Ram Bahadur Chhetri 12300799
St 31 Дани 9 Сати
6Inter-School Chess Competition (Biratnagar Metropolitan)
Rp 35 Дани 9 Сати
7Nepal Youth One Day Rapid Rating Below 1700 Chess Tournament 2024! - 9869040172
Rp 36 Дани 3 Сати
8International youth day chess championship, Bharatpur chitwan
Rp 36 Дани 6 Сати
91st NPS Samakhusi Inter School Chess Championship-2081 Boys Senior
Rp 37 Дани 8 Сати
101st NPS Samakhusi Inter School Chess Championship-2081 Boys Junior
Rp 37 Дани 8 Сати
111st NPS Samakhusi Inter School Chess Championship-2081 Girls Open
Rp 37 Дани 8 Сати
12Leo Club of Kathmandu Radiance Medical Students Presents Chess Tournament
Rp 37 Дани 9 Сати
13Kumudini Homes Boys 8 To 12 Chess Competition - 2081
Rp 37 Дани 15 Сати
14Kumudini Homes Girls 8 To 12 Chess Competition 2081
Rp 37 Дани 15 Сати
15Kumudini Homes Boys 5 To 7 Chess Competition- 2081
Rp 37 Дани 15 Сати
16Kumudini Homes Girls 5 To 7 Chess Competition 2081
Rp 37 Дани 15 Сати
17PABSON Nepalgunj 5th Internal Chess Tournament-2024 (girls)
St 38 Дани 4 Сати
18PABSON Nepalgunj 5th Internal Chess Tournament-2024 (Boys)
St 38 Дани 4 Сати
19Nepal Electricity Authority 39th Annual Festival , Open Chess Tournament
Rp 40 Дани 10 Сати
20Nepal Electricity Authority 39th Annual Festival , Women Chess Tournament
Rp 41 Дани 6 Сати
21Nepal Police School Samakhusi Inter School Chess Championship-2081 Boys Senior Contact for Registration: IA Khaiju 9841432942
Rp 41 Дани 11 Сати
22Antar Bidalya Buddhichal Pratiyogita 2081, Sunsari
Rp 42 Дани 11 Сати
23Khajura Rural Municipality President Cup Rating Chess Tournament-2024
St 43 Дани 11 Сати
24Nepal Youth One Day Rapid Rating OPEN Chess Tournament 2024! - 9869040172
Rp 44 Дани 2 Сати
25JRC Everest Sainik, Kohalpur Level Friendly Open Chess Tournament-2081
Rp 44 Дани 10 Сати
26Nepal Youth One Day Rapid Rating OPEN Chess Tournament 2024! - 9869040172
Rp 44 Дани 15 Сати
271st ALRAM NEPAL District-Wide Inter-School (Boys) Chess Competition-2081 COntact: 9808862853, 9851077838
Rp 45 Дани 9 Сати
281st ALRAM NEPAL District-Wide Inter-School (Girls) Chess Competition-2081 Contact: 9808862853, 9851077838
Rp 45 Дани 9 Сати
29Final Southwestern State Chess Championship 2024
Rp 49 Дани 13 Сати
30South Western State College Chess Championship Day
Rp 50 Дани 11 Сати
31Southwestern State College Chess championship Morning
Rp 50 Дани 13 Сати
32Marwadi Yuwa Mancha Chess Tournament u12
Rp 51 Дани 8 Сати
33 2nd. Himalayan Friends Child Club Chess Tournament U - 20
Rp 53 Дани 4 Сати
341st JJ's Cafe Friendly Rating Chess Tournament - 2081 (Lubhoo) Mahalaxmi Municipality-8, Lalitpur
Bz 56 Дани 3 Сати
35Bhaktapur District Open FIDE 100 Blitz Chess Tournament-2081
Bz 56 Дани 14 Сати
364th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024(Girls 8 to 10)
Rp 57 Дани 15 Сати
374th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Girls 6 to7)
Rp 57 Дани 15 Сати
384th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Girls 4 to 5)
Rp 57 Дани 15 Сати
394th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Girls 1 to 3)
Rp 57 Дани 15 Сати
404th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Boys 4 to 5)
Rp 57 Дани 16 Сати
414th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Boys 1 to 3)
Rp 57 Дани 16 Сати
424th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Boys 6 to 7)
Rp 57 Дани 16 Сати
434th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Boys 8 to 10)
Rp 57 Дани 16 Сати
444th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024
Rp 57 Дани 16 Сати
45Himalayan 100 for the FIDE 100 Guinness World Record Attempt Entry Closed Reporting Time 10:30 AM
Bz 58 Дани 5 Сати
461st Sujendra P. Shrestha Memorial 50+ Veteran Rapid Rating Chess - Gandaki Prov
Rp 58 Дани 7 Сати
471st GLC International Chess Day Rapid Rating Chess Championship Kathmandu Nepal 2024 For More Detail (9861888124)
Rp 58 Дани 7 Сати
48Bhaktapur City Basic School Level Sports Meet -2081 Chess Girls (6-8)
Rp 59 Дани 8 Сати
49Bhaktapur City Basic School Level Sports Meet -2081 Chess Boys (6-8)
Rp 59 Дани 8 Сати
50Bhaktapur Municipal inter school Bagchaal Tournament-2081 (Girls)
Rp 66 Дани 8 Сати
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